- Sex : Mare
- Breed : AES Anglo European Studbook
- Age : 7 yo
- Size : 16.1 hands
- Color : Dark Bay
- Categories : Sport horse | Breeding horse | Leisure horse
- Rider level : Confirmed rider
- Horse level : Basic dressage
- Passport : Yes
- SIRE : 826002180882746
- Disciplines : Show Jumping (Showjumper) | Dressage | Breeding
Lynwood Dawn Time, affectionately known as DT, is low mileage unspoilt gentle home bred horse with excellent confirmation and powerful, elegant paces. She is naturally built uphill with a great hind leg, making her a balanced and enjoyable light ride between the hand and leg. Her manners are lovely and she is a kind, genuine natured horse that is easy to have on the yard and take out on the lorry or trailer.
DT hasn’t done much for the past 5 months and has only very recently been brought back into work now I’ve made the sad but fair decision to sell her. (VIDEO TAKEN THIS MORNING showing me getting back on her after a quick lunge for the first time.) We lunged her Monday, yesterday and today we lightly lunged her then I sat on her for a few minutes, showing although she is a well bred competition horse, she is still pretty easy and sensible to get on and do. She has been out and about to places here and there over the past two years when my knee injury has allowed, but has not been properly campaigned and is now being wasted again. She is very athletic and floaty, with a big engine so will need bringing back into work properly to build her strength up again as still green for her age.
Competed in a handful of local shows – unaff Prelim dressage earlier this year/ hacked out around busy village in company lots of times and around farm fields. She’s been to arena hire’s, indoor loose jumped as 5yo last year and lightly shown In Hand as 4yo (Winning her class then Winning the Championship!) I have mainly produced her with dressage in mind but would be stunning for someone who enjoys a bit of Showing and is bred to jump without question! She would also be a super broodmare to breed from with her bloodlines (which we would be doing without question to buy my knee more time, if our land at the stud wasn’t being quarried by the landlords!)
Will live in or out if well rugged and fed, currently in at night, out in day with few others or in an individual paddock next to others (has always been on yards with others horses so would probably be lonely on her own completely!)
Priced sensibly to reflect situation and home very important to us. Will only be sold to a knowledgeable experienced home as she is such a talented and kind horse. We bred her and have videos as a foal. She loves attention and is affectionate back, if she could she would like to live in the kitchen with you!